Chapter 5 The Development of Attachment Theory

Attachment Theory is located in the Psychodynamic School, founded by Sigmund Freud. This school principally asks “Why?” as in “Why is he behaving like this when there is no current or visible reason for the behaviour? Unfortunately, Freud came to believe that mostly all children’s worrying behaviour was Oedipal by nature, a damaging consequence of …

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Chapter 4 People Have Feelings

DRAFT April 17th 2020 The three principal schools of psychotherapy came about at nearly the same time. In 1900 Sigmund Freud published his classic Interpretation of Dreams that launched the Psychodynamic School. This school argued that human beings were principally driven by sexual and aggressive drives, what he called Drive Theory.  Jacob Moreno profoundly disagreed …

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Chapter 2 Using your Right Brain

Second Draft (March 28th 2020) We are only now beginning to fully understand how trauma and neglect can affect the developing brain of a baby and how the baby’s brain miss-wires in order to survive. For example, a baby is hard-wired to make an attachment but if the attachment person is dangerous and/or neglectful, the …

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Chapter 1

The Manual – How to do it: A Therapeutic Approach to Foster and Social care.   Introduction For over 25 years I have been developing a way of training foster carers and social care workers to live and work with the young people in their care using a therapeutic and healing approach. This is my …

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